Sound bath At Home
"Sound Bath and Meditation in community is beautiful. Sound Bath and meditation at home is divine."
-K. Saahl
K. and I met fourteen years ago, and kept in touch via social media. Early last year, she attended my public sound bath session at the WaveScape community arts festival, and grabbed my card. Weeks later I was invited into her home for her first in-home sound bath.
Once I setup the basic reclining space for her, using a thick yoga mat, plush pillow and a knit blanket, we pulled out more pillows and blankets, and settled in for the session. Immediately as we started, the storm that was threatening hours earlier broke. Thunder rumbled around us and rain tatted on the windows...I pushed my ocean drum and rain stick to the wouldn't be needing those.
In the comfort of her home, at 7:30AM, K relaxed fully and was lulled into a meditative state by the sounds around her. When my hour of spinning and percussion ended, she kept reclining with her eyes covered. As I packed away Tibetan and crystal bowls, she rolled onto her side and we both listened to the downpour. Eventually K. uncovered her eyes and took me by the hand to say goodbye. Her eyes were shining with unshed with tears. She whispered 'thank you'.
I thanked her and withdrew to my car. Later in the week, we talked on the phone. She described the experience of floating, and the well-being that followed her for the next several days.
It was magical, she said.
It was magical for me too.

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