What to Expect
Your Sound Experience
The session begins with each participant comfortably seated or lying down on a mat, with covered eyes. After a brief period of deep, intentional breathing, the sound experience begins to fill. Various sounds, tones, harmonies, and frequencies are introduced in measured succession. The sounds are created by a variety of instruments.
- Tibetan, quartz crystal, and enamel singing bowls
- Crystal, metal, and bamboo chimes
- Ocean drums and other percussion
- Brass bells, gongs, and zills
- Didgeridoo or Yidaki
When you experience a sound bath, your breathing naturally deepens and slows, and you mentally shift from an active to a more relaxed state. Participants have described it as: "meditative" "deeply relaxing", and "feeling true clarity." You emerge from the hour-long session clear-headed, open to creativity and creative thinking, and re-energized.
Learn more about "The Effect of Singing Bowl Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-Being", from recent research from the National Institutes of Health